
Planned Giving and Real Estate

Real estate holdings represent an estimated 30 percent of all private wealth in the United States. It is a safe bet that for many of your donors, real estate is their most valuable asset. Good news! There are a number of options for making planned gifts of real estate that you can discuss with your donors, and we'll cover them in the Webinar.

Please join us on Thursday, March 27, when PG Calc Vice President Bill Zook will present a 90-minute, interactive Webinar:

Land Ho! The Many Ways
to Give Real Estate

Learn about the special considerations involved in accepting and administering gifts of real estate, like:
  • How is the property owned?
  • Is there a mortgage?
  • How can your organization protect itself against environmental concerns and mitigate or minimize other potential financial risks?
  • And more!


Share with a colleague using the social links below!

This Webinar is intended for gift planners,
senior fundraisers, allied professionals,
and anyone else who talks to donors
about gifts of real estate.
Level: Intermediate
Register Now for the Webinar
Register now to join us on March 27,
|from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Eastern Time.
If you can't join us then, a recording of the Webinar,
along with all handouts, will be available
approx. two weeks after the live event.
