Money Talks, But Can It Follow Instructions? The Proposed Donor Advised Fund Regulations
Just before the holiday season began in the fall of 2023, the Treasury Department published and sought comments on proposed regulations governing donor advised funds (DAFs). Although long anticipated, the proposed regulations caught many of us off guard. Was this the opening salvo, a continuing assault on DAFs, or the final barrage? Is there more here than meets the eye or less? And what’s coming next?
For decades, donor advised funds existed in legal limbo. As funds of a public charity (the community foundation), they have operated under a web of legal concepts and regulations governing community trusts and nonprofit fund accounting. Finally, the Pension Protection Act of 2006 provided legislative direction and then, 17 years later in the fall of 2023, these proposed regulations were issued.
For the most part, the proposed regulations are focused on providing definitions, clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the parties, and clarifying the distinction between donor advised funds and private foundations. The regulatory approach, the big stick if you will, is to define certain donor advised fund distributions as taxable and apply an excise tax on them.