A Look at the New CASE Global Reporting Standards
The Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) has released its “Global Reporting Standards, 1st Edition.” The vision for the Standards is audacious, “the first truly worldwide standards for advancement in education.” True to its title, among the book’s 350+ pages are six chapters providing specific guidance for counting charitable gifts in different countries around the globe.
Although the primary focus is to articulate standards for counting and recognition of all types of charitable contributions in order to allow comparisons among educational institutions worldwide, the Standards also cover a broad range of issues beyond counting and recognition. There are extensive sections on ethics and standards of practice for advancement professionals as well as guidance for navigating issues involving donor control and the moral thickets that can arise when a donor’s nefarious past comes to light.
Even if your organization is not involved in the education sector, it behooves you to be familiar with the CASE Standards.