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eRate Newsletter | October 15, 2024

IRS DISCOUNT RATE: November 4.4%

Next Generation Planned Gifts

FS Shaping Tomorrow Description Graphic

As they reshape philanthropy, the Millennial and Gen Z generations are prioritizing social impact, embracing technology, and seeking innovative ways to engage in their giving. A report, Shaping Tomorrow: How Gen Z and Millennials View Charitable Giving, based upon a survey conducted by Foundation Source, offers new insights.

These generations proactively seek opportunities to give back through a wide range of charitable activities based upon values and attitudes shaped by the tumultuous years during which they grew up. They are determined to play a role in communities they care about, believe they have an obligation to make an impact, and are ready to get to work!



PG Calc WEBINAR October 24

Inspiring Major Gifts of Assets: The Science and the Sentences

Wealth is not held in cash; it’s held in other assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and IRAs. Research shows that shifting donors to giving from their wealth (assets), rather than just from their cash (disposable income) can lead to transformational donations. But how can we actually make this happen? Talking about someone else’s wealth can be scary! In this presentation, Professor Russell James walks through the step-by-step process that makes these conversations simple, easy, and stress free. You don’t need to be a gift planning expert to inspire major gifts of assets. You just need to attend this presentation!

Presented by
Dr. Russell James

October 24, 2024
1:00 - 2:00 pm ET



GiftWrap Advanced

October 16-17, online (4 hours over 2 days)

Gift Planning with PGM Anywhere – Advanced

October 28, In-Person (Orlando, FL, before the 2024 CGP Conference)

PGM Anywhere and Gift Annuities

November 13-14, online (4 hours over 2 days)


Quick Tip: Identifying Gifts with Incomplete Information in GiftWrap

Sometimes gifts are recorded in GiftWrap with incomplete information. For instance, when a gift of securities is made to establish a life income gift, there can be a delay in receiving cost basis from the donor or their advisor. Or, you may have a donor who has expressed interest in electronic fund transfer (EFT) for their payments but hasn’t turned in their updated payment information. 

To flag a gift in GiftWrap as having incomplete information, within the gift record click the box Record Incomplete. You can then enter the reason the gift is incomplete in the text box for easy reference.


To run a report that pulls all gifts identified as Record Incomplete so that you don’t lose track of them, begin by selecting the Gift Summary report.


Enter the Custom Filter as seen below.


The custom filter Gift.InProgress = 1 will pull a report of all gifts identified as having an incomplete record and requiring your attention.

If you run this report regularly, for instance prior to quarter end, consider saving the Custom Filter by clicking the Save as Custom Filter button.


This will add it to the Custom Filter dropdown menu, making it easier to use.

Contact us at 888-474-2252 or if you run into any issues.

From the Blog: Counting What Counts

We in planned giving must hold ourselves and our programs accountable to our organizations and our donors. Doing that requires that we count … count something, but what?

Before we delve into an integrated approach to counting planned gifts as a component of all fundraising, let us acknowledge that determining the value of a specific planned gift can be quite difficult. Significantly different values can be calculated for the same planned gift depending upon the variables and methodologies used and the purposes for which the calculations are made. There are at least three different approaches to calculating the “value” of a planned gift, each designed for a specific purpose, and each capable of producing a different value for the very same charitable contribution.

Read the blog post . . .

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See You in Orlando at CGP

PG Calc is once again proud to sponsor the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners and will be attending the 2024 CGP Conference in Orlando, FL October 28-30. Come say hello to PG Calc in booths 100/200 in the Solutions Center.

You can also see PG Calc team members in these sessions:

Oct. 28 Pre-Conference Training
Gift Planning with PGM Anywhere - Advanced
Please join us before the Charitable Gift Planners conference, for in-person training on advanced topics in planned giving. This session will utilize PGM Anywhere, and attendees will leave having modeled multiple gift plans. The training is from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at the Rosen Centre Hotel, the location for the CGP Conference. Learn more and register here.

Oct. 28, 1:00 pm Pre-Conference Session:
Gift Planning Fundamentals: Tools & Techniques

If you are new to gift planning, need a refresher, or are a development generalist, PG Calc Senior Advisor Craig Wruck will provide an overview of gift planning and the tools you need to make the most of it.

Oct. 28, 4:00 pm Hall of Fame Panel
PG Calc President Gary Pforzheimer will join Hall of Fame inductees Bruce Bigelow, Senior Partner of Charitable Development Consulting, and Angie Sosdian, Executive Director at The Nature Conservancy, on the CGP Leadership Institute Hall of Fame Panel for a Q&A.

Oct. 29, 2:00 pm Session:
Cash, Securities, or QCD? What Should Your Donor Give?

PG Calc’s Vice President of Product Management Bill Laskin and Vice President of Consulting Jeff Lydenberg will review the QCD rules when making an outright gift or funding a life income plan, as well as the rules that apply to required minimum distributions (RMDs) and the key questions you should ask your donor to help them identify the best asset for funding their gift.

See you in Orlando!

Webinar Topics for 2025 Coming Together

We are excited about the monthly webinars we are planning for 2025! Topics will include:

  • When to fund a gift with cash, stock, or a QCD
  • Legacy challenges
  • Taxation basics for gift planners
  • Early terminations and appraisals of them

Our ever-popular and free Q&A webinars will focus on:

  • Gift annuity regulations and compliance
  • Rules regarding dates of gift and substantiating a deduction
  • The results of a planned gift marketing survey

Look for our complete webinar schedule for 2025, including dates, titles, descriptions, and presenters, in our next eRate newsletter.



Training Class

PG Calc Announces 2025 Calendar of Online and In-Person Trainings

PG Calc is delighted to announce our 2025 calendar of online and in-person trainings. Recognizing how busy our clients are, we’re pleased to bring back “just in time trainings” on seasonal items, like 1099-R creation and FASB calculations.

We’re balancing those with deep dives into how charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts can help your donors achieve their philanthropic goals. Please join us to refresh your skills or learn something new. We’re looking forward to connecting with clients virtually and IRL.

See the 2025 schedule and register for trainings here.

 2025 Training Schedule 

Making Giving Tuesday Last Forever

Since its inception in 2012, Giving Tuesday (a.k.a. National Day of Giving) has grown into a worldwide phenomenon. It occurs each year on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving when, having spent the weekend shopping and searching for the best possible deals, generous individuals are reminded to consider those in need. Giving Tuesday is a call to lift others up during a generous time of year.

Giving Tuesday is focused on current gifts, but it can also be an opportunity to suggest a charitable bequest. The rationale is straightforward: “We’re grateful for the difference you’ve made with your gift. Now I’d like to explain how your charitable bequest could create an endowment to ensure your impact goes on forever.”

Make the most of this Giving Tuesday and show your donors how they can make their impact last forever.

Giving Tuesday logo

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Checklist for Success with New CGAs and Planned Gifts

New charitable gift annuities and other planned gift types require more coordination and information than other types of gifts, but they’re almost always worth it. The biggest source of new CGAs is those donors who already have one, so it pays to manage them well.

PG Calc has developed a Checklist for Success to help you make the process easy for your donors and your organizational partners.

  Download the Checklist  

Best Friends Animal Society Finds the Team, Expertise, and Customer Service Set PG Calc Apart

“PG Calc has been a wonderful business partner over the years. They are always responsive to our inquiries and have helped our team build confidence with their software. We always feel supported and know where to go with our questions. They are a leader in gift administration and illustration software, but their team, expertise and customer service are really what sets them apart. Thank you for supporting our work to Save Them All.”

-- Lindsey Dupont, JD
Estate and Planned Giving Administrator
Best Friends Animal Society
-- Matt Claflin, CFP®
Senior Manager, Planned Giving
Best Friends Animal Society

Learn more about the Best Friends Animal Society.

Learn about PG Calc’s legendary Client Services.